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Google Error 535-5.7.8: Username and Password Not Accepted

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    Have you ever experienced the error message “535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted” when trying to access your Google account?

    This error can be frustrating, especially if you have important emails or files that you need to access. In this article, we will explore the common causes of this error and provide you with troubleshooting tips to help you fix the problem.

    Common causes of "535-5.7.8 username and password not accepted" error

    1. Invalid Username or Password

    One of the most common causes of the error message is an invalid username or password. Double-check that you have entered the correct username and password. It is also essential to note that usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.

    2. Account Security Settings

    If you have enabled any security settings for your Google account, such as two-factor authentication, it could be preventing you from logging in. Ensure that you have the correct authentication code or have disabled the security settings.

    3. Server Issues

    Sometimes, Google servers may experience issues that prevent users from accessing their accounts. Check if Google’s servers are down, which could be causing the error.

    4. Firewall or Antivirus Software

    Your firewall or antivirus software could be blocking Google from accessing your account. Temporarily disable the software to see if it resolves the problem.

    5. Network Connection Issues

    Poor or unstable internet connections could cause the “535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted” error. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection, and the network settings are correct.

    How to troubleshoot the error 535-5.7.8: username and password not accepted

    Now that you understand the possible causes of the error message, let’s explore some troubleshooting tips.

    1. Verify Username and Password

    Double-check that you have entered the correct username and password. If you are unsure, try resetting your password to ensure that you have the correct credentials.

    2. Reset Password

    If you are unable to access your account due to an incorrect password, try resetting it. Google will guide you through the password reset process, which should resolve the error message.

    3. Check Account Security Settings

    If you have enabled any security settings, ensure that you have the correct authentication code or have disabled them temporarily. This will allow you to access your account, and you can re-enable the security settings after resolving the error.

    4. Check Server Status

    Visit Google’s status page to check if their servers are experiencing any issues. If there are any problems, Google will provide an estimated time for when they expect to resolve the issue.

    5. Disable Firewall or Antivirus Software Temporarily

    Temporarily disable your firewall or antivirus software to see if it is causing the problem. If the error goes away, you should configure your software to allow Google access to your account.

    6. Check Network Connection

    Ensure that you have a stable internet connection, and the network settings are correct. Try accessing your Google account from another device to see if the issue persists.

    Prevention measures

    Preventing the “535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted” error is crucial to ensure that you can access your Google account whenever you need to. Here are some prevention measures to consider:

    #1: Regularly Update Passwords

    Change your password regularly to ensure that your account is secure.

    #2: Use Strong Passwords

    Use strong passwords that are difficult to guess. This will help prevent unauthorized access to your account.

    #3: Enable Two-Factor Authentication

    Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. This ensures that only you can access your account.

    #4: Keep Antivirus Software Up to Date

    Ensure that your antivirus software is up to date to prevent any security threats.

    #5: Regularly Monitor Network Connections

    Keep an eye on your network connections to identify any suspicious activity.


    The “535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted” error message can be frustrating, but it is usually straightforward to fix. By following the troubleshooting tips we have provided, you should be able to resolve the issue and regain access to your Google account.

    It is essential to take preventive measures to avoid encountering the error message in the future. Updating passwords regularly, using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, keeping antivirus software up to date, and regularly monitoring network connections are all ways to prevent unauthorized access to your Google account.

    Remember to always keep your login credentials secure and not share them with anyone. If you suspect that someone has accessed your account without your permission, change your password immediately and contact Google’s support team for assistance.

    In conclusion, the “535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted” error message is a common problem that can be fixed by verifying your login credentials, checking your account settings, and ensuring that you have a stable internet connection. Taking preventive measures can help prevent this error from occurring in the future and keep your Google account secure.

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