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Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up DKIM for Google Workspace

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    Ever questioned how to protect your company emails from scammers? Authenticity of your email is more important than ever because 91% of all cyberattacks begin with an email. One potent tool created to assist you secure your email correspondence is DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).

    By confirming that your emails’ content is unaltered from the moment of origin to the destination, DKIM, when used in Google Workspace, helps you establish confidence with your recipients and improve your sender reputation. This introduction will walk you through configuring DKIM in Google Workspace and show you why it’s important to have strong email protection. All set to strengthen your email system? Come with me.

    What is DKIM?

    One email authentication technique called DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) guards against phishing, spoofing, and spam for both senders and recipients. Through the use of email authentication, it enables the recipient to verify that an email claiming to originate from a particular domain was indeed approved by the domain’s owner. With the abundance of email security risks in the modern digital era, this is essential.

    In what way does DKIM? It entails adding a domain name-linked digital signature to every email message sent out. The sender’s server securely stores a private key used to create this signature. An email’s matching public key is made public in the DNS records. Using this public key that they obtain from the DNS, recipients (or their email servers) confirm the signature that is included to the email. If it matches, the sender’s identity is verified and the email is verified to have not been altered in transit and to have originated from the specified domain. Because of this system, there is a far lower chance of getting bogus emails and only real ones will get to your mailbox.

    Benefits of DKIM for Google Workspace users

    1. Enhanced Email Security and Fraud Prevention
    2. Improved Email Deliverability and Sender Reputation
    3. Trust Enhancement Among Email Recipients
    4. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
    5. Reduction in Email-Based Attacks
    6. Ease of Monitoring and Reporting

    Required Information for Google Workspace DKIM Setup

    1. Google Workspace Admin Access. To manipulate and set up DKIM settings, you need to have administrative rights in your Google Workspace account.
    2. DNS Access. You will need to add a DKIM TXT record to your domain’s DNS configuration, so being able to change its records is necessary.
    3. Check that the domain you are configuring DKIM for is yours. Authenticity of the DKIM setup depends on this.
    4. Configuring Your Email Domain. Verify that your Google Workspace has your email domain set up correctly and is operational.
    5. Technical knowledge. Enough knowledge of DNS and email server settings to correctly apply the required modifications without interfering with your current setups.

    Step-by-step guide to configuring DKIM in Google Workspace

    Step 1: Access the Google Workspace Admin Console

      • Log in to your Google Workspace Admin Console using your administrator account credentials.
      • Navigate to the “Apps” section, then go to “Google Workspace” and select “Gmail”.

    Step 2: Generate the DKIM Key

      • In the Gmail settings menu, find and select “Authenticate email”.
      • Choose the domain for which you want to set up DKIM, and click on “Generate new record”. You can specify the DKIM key length (either 1024 or 2048 bits) according to your security preference.

    Step 3: Add the DKIM Key to Your DNS Records

      • Once the DKIM key is generated, Google will provide you with a TXT record. Copy this record.
      • Access your domain’s DNS settings through your domain host’s admin console. Add the TXT record to your DNS, in the format specified by Google. The specific area to add this might be labeled as “DNS Management”, “Name Server Management”, or similar.

    Step 4: Activate DKIM Signing for Your Emails

      • After adding the TXT record to your DNS, return to the Google Workspace Admin Console.
      • Select the domain you are configuring and verify the DKIM setup by clicking on “Start authentication”. This action activates DKIM signing for the emails sent from your domain.
      • It might take some time for the DNS changes to propagate, so if the verification fails, give it a little more time and try again.

    Tools and methods to confirm DKIM is correctly configured

    To thoroughly check the correctness of your email authentication settings, including DKIM, DMARC, and SPF, along with other factors that impact email deliverability, consider using comprehensive tools like the free deliverability test offered by Warmy. This test can be accessed at Warmy’s Free Email Deliverability Test.

    email spam test

    Using Warmy’s Deliverability Test

    1. Comprehensive Testing. Warmy’s tool evaluates not just DKIM, but also SPF and DMARC records, which are essential for establishing a trusted email communication framework. By verifying all three, you ensure a holistic approach to email security and deliverability.
    2. Insightful Reporting. After conducting the test, Warmy provides a detailed report that highlights any issues or misconfigurations in your email setup. This report helps in identifying specific areas that need attention, making troubleshooting more targeted and efficient.
    3. Actionable Recommendations. Along with the diagnostics, you receive actionable recommendations on how to fix identified issues. This guidance is crucial for optimizing your email settings to improve overall deliverability and ensure your communications reach their intended recipients without being flagged as spam.

    Your email communications’ integrity and dependability can be preserved by making sure that every element of your email authentication and deliverability is set up correctly by using Warmy’s free deliverability test.

    Best practices for managing DKIM in Google Workspace

    1. Rotate DKIM Keys Regularly. Enhance security by changing DKIM keys annually or more often if dealing with sensitive data.

    2. Monitor DKIM Performance. Use tools like Google Postmaster to track email deliverability and authentication success, ensuring emails consistently pass DKIM checks.

    3. Adjust Based on Performance. Make timely adjustments to your DKIM setup based on performance data to avoid delivery issues and maintain a strong sender reputation.

    4. Educate Your Team. Train IT and communications teams on DKIM setup, monitoring, and troubleshooting to maximize the effectiveness of your email security measures.

    5. Ensure Compliance with Standards. Maintain correct setups for SPF and DMARC alongside DKIM to strengthen your defense against email threats.


    Protecting your email is mostly dependent on setting up DKIM for your Google Workspace. By accessing the Admin Console, creating the DKIM key, adding it to your DNS records, and turning on DKIM signing, you guarantee that your emails are authenticated and help stop phishing and email spoofing attempts against your domain.

    It is impossible to exaggerate the value of DKIM implementation; it improves email security and increases sender reputation, both of which are essential to sustaining high deliverability rates. Recipients will continue to trust and secure your email communications if you regularly update and rotate your DKIM keys and monitor and make necessary adjustments.

    Taking these steps not only protects your email exchanges but also strengthens the general integrity and reliability of your business correspondence. Include DKIM into your regular email setup to keep using Google Workspace’s dependable and safe email system.


    What is DKIM and why is it important for Google Workspace?

    DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) helps authenticate the emails you send, proving they haven't been tampered with and actually come from your domain. It's crucial for preventing email spoofing and phishing attacks, thereby enhancing email security and deliverability for Google Workspace users.

    How do I generate a DKIM key in Google Workspace?

    Log into the Google Workspace Admin Console, navigate to Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail > Authenticate email, select your domain, and click on "Generate new record". You can choose between a 1024-bit or 2048-bit key based on your security needs.


    How often should I update my DKIM keys?

    It's recommended to update and rotate DKIM keys at least once a year to maintain secure email practices. If your organization handles highly sensitive information, consider rotating them more frequently.


    What should I do if my DKIM verification fails?

    Check for common issues like DNS propagation delays, incorrect TXT record entries, or misconfigured selectors. Ensure your DNS settings are correct and allow some time for changes to propagate. If problems persist, re-generate and re-deploy your DKIM key.

    Can I have multiple DKIM keys for a single domain in Google Workspace?

    Yes, Google Workspace allows you to have multiple DKIM keys for a domain. This is useful for key rotation and maintaining email flow during the transition from one key to another.

    Where can I find more resources on improving email deliverability in Salesforce?

    Salesforce offers a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, and community forums, where you can find tips, best practices, and guidance on improving email deliverability. Additionally, exploring external resources and tools like Warmy can provide further insights and strategies for enhancing your email performance.

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