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SMTP Email Error 543, 546, 547 - How to Resolve [SOLVED]

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    Email is still a mainstay of communication in the linked world of contemporary business, allowing for quick and wide-ranging conversations that are essential for daily operations. But occasionally SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) problems might interfere with this important communication channel, jeopardizing the effectiveness and dependability of email exchanges. Especially noteworthy, SMTP Email Errors 543, 546, and 547 are serious technical difficulties that might impede the efficient transmission of messages, sometimes resulting in lost chances and operational delays.

    Through an examination of their usual error messages, common causes, and disruptions to email transport, this article seeks to clarify these particular SMTP issues. We’ll offer thorough, detailed instructions on fixing these problems on Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo, so you can make sure your email systems work as well as possible. We assist protect your email communications against future interruptions by giving you the skills and information you need to fix these SMTP problems, therefore preserving the efficacy and continuity of your business communications.

    Understanding SMTP email error 543, 546, 547

    SMTP Email Errors 543, 546, and 547 are significant disruptions that can arise during the email sending and receiving process, each indicating a specific problem that needs immediate resolution. Understanding what these errors look like and the messages associated with them is crucial for timely and effective troubleshooting.

    SMTP Email Error 543

    Usually, this error message reads

    “543 Relaying Denied.”

    It means that, most often for lack of appropriate authentication or authorization, the server is refusing to forward the message to the intended recipient. When sending from the particular sender’s email address is not permitted by the server settings, this error can happen.

    SMTP Email Error 546

    The error message for this issue might read

    “546 Email Rejected.”

    This means that the email was rejected by the receiver’s email server, maybe as a result of a sender email address issue or content that sets off spam filters or goes against the policies of the destination server.

    SMTP Email Error 547

    You might encounter a message like

    “547 Delivery not authorized, message refused.”

    This error indicates that authorization or permission problems—which could result from wrong recipient addresses, issues with the sender’s server, or receiving server policy limitations—prevent the email from being delivered to the recipient.

    Every one of these mistakes alerts to particular problems that interfere with regular operations in the email sending or receiving process. Sender authentication issues are usually the focus of error 543; content or policy concerns may be the focus of error 546; and deeper permission or policy enforcement problems are frequently the focus of error 547. Finding and fixing the underlying issues is the first step in restoring effective email communication.

    Exploring the root causes of SMTP email errors 543, 546, and 547

    SMTP Email Error 543 - "Relaying Denied"

    • Authentication Failures. When the sending email server is unable to authenticate with the recipient’s server, this error frequently results. This can be brought on by incorrect or absent authentication credentials.
    • Configuration Errors. This problem can also result from improper SMTP relay settings. The server would reject the email attempt if it is not set up to relay emails for the sender’s domain or IP address.
    • Policy Restrictions. Certain servers have tight rules about who can send emails over them—which IPs, domains, or users. The server can reject to relay the message if the sender does not satisfy certain policy requirements.

    SMTP Email Error 546 - "Email Rejected"

    • Authentication Failures. When the sending email server is unable to authenticate with the recipient’s server, this error frequently results. This can be brought on by incorrect or absent authentication credentials.
    • Configuration Errors. This problem can also result from improper SMTP relay settings. The server would reject the email attempt if it is not set up to relay emails for the sender’s domain or IP address.
    • Policy Restrictions. Certain servers have tight rules about who can send emails over them—which IPs, domains, or users. The server can reject to relay the message if the sender does not satisfy certain policy requirements.

    SMTP Email Error 547 - "Delivery not authorized, message refused"

    • Permission Settings. The receiving server may require particular permissions that the sender or the message do not meet.
    • Policy Infractions. A few servers have very strict rules about the size of emails, the kinds of attachments, or the security settings. Deliveries of messages may be refused if certain rules are broken.
    • Server Availability Issues. This error may occasionally arise from server downtime or network problems on the recipient’s end, in which case the server is unable to handle incoming emails at that moment.

    Step-by-step solutions to resolve SMTP email error 543, 546, 547

    Resolving SMTP Email Error 543 - "Relaying Denied"

    1. Verify Authentication Settings:

      • For All Services. Ensure that your email client is configured with the correct authentication credentials. Check the username and password, and verify that your email client supports the authentication method used by your SMTP server.
    2. Check SMTP Relay Settings:

      • For Gmail. Ensure ‘Allow less secure apps’ is ON in Google Admin console or Google account settings if you are using less secure email clients.
      • For Outlook and Yahoo. Verify that your server or client is configured with the correct SMTP server settings. For Outlook, use smtp-mail.outlook.com, and for Yahoo, use smtp.mail.yahoo.com, ensuring the proper ports and encryption methods are selected.
    3. Review Server Policies:

      • For Business Accounts. Contact your email server administrator to ensure that your IP address or domain is allowed to relay emails through the server.

    Resolving SMTP Email Error 546 - "Email Rejected"

    1. Inspect Email Content and Attachments:

      • For All Services. Review your email content and attachments for any elements that might trigger spam filters. Avoid using risky keywords and ensure attachments are safe and within allowable limits.
    2. Check Sender Reputation:

      • For All Services. Use online tools to check if your domain or IP is blacklisted. If blacklisted, follow the necessary procedures to get delisted.
    3. Verify Recipient Address:

      • For All Services. Double-check the recipient’s email address for any errors. Confirm the domain is active and receiving emails.

    Resolving SMTP Email Error 547 - "Delivery not authorized, message refused"

      1. Check Email Permissions and Security Settings:

        • For All Services. Ensure that your email conforms to the security policies of the recipient’s email server. This includes checking the size of the email and attachments and the security settings related to encryption and data protection.
      2. Review Policy Compliance:

        • For All Services. Verify that your email adheres to the recipient server’s policies regarding email format, attachment types, and sizes. Adjust your email settings accordingly.
      3. Confirm Server Availability:

        • For All Services. If possible, contact the recipient or their IT support to ensure that their server is operational and not experiencing downtime that could affect email reception.
    email warm up

    Navigating the complexities of SMTP email errors such as 543, 546, and 547 can be daunting, particularly when these issues obstruct your business communications. Employing an email warm-up service like Warmy.io can be an effective strategy to enhance your email deliverability and prevent these common SMTP errors.

    Warmy.io specializes in conditioning new email accounts to improve their reputation gradually. This is crucial because many SMTP errors arise from sudden spikes in email volume, which can appear suspicious to ISPs and result in emails being blocked or filtered into spam. By systematically increasing the volume of sent emails, Warmy.io helps establish a trustworthy sender reputation, thus minimizing the risk of these errors.

    Additionally, Warmy.io provides a comprehensive suite of tools to support robust email deliverability:

    • Email Deliverability Test. Warmy.io offers a free test that assesses your email settings and practices. This service checks whether your emails are likely to hit the inbox or get sidetracked into spam folders. It evaluates factors such as sender reputation and content quality, giving you actionable insights to optimize your email campaigns.

    • Blacklist Monitoring. One common reason behind SMTP errors, particularly Error 546, is the sender’s IP being blacklisted. Warmy.io checks if your sending IP is on any blacklists and offers guidance on how to remedy this situation, ensuring your emails continue to be delivered successfully.

    • Email Authentication Tools. Correct email authentication significantly reduces the likelihood of encountering SMTP errors by verifying that the emails genuinely originate from the stated sender. Warmy.io aids this process by providing free tools to generate necessary DNS records like SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance). These records are vital for protecting your domain from being used for email spoofing and ensuring your emails are authenticated upon receipt.

    For those who require more tailored assistance, Warmy.io also enables you to consult with email deliverability consultants. These experts can offer customized advice and solutions, helping you navigate complex challenges and refine your email strategy for optimal deliverability.


    In every business setting, keeping up efficient and dependable email communication requires addressing SMTP Email Errors 543, 546, and 547. These mistakes have the power to seriously impede information flow, leading to delays and even misunderstandings that could have an impact on your company’s operations. Organizations can greatly lower the frequency of such interruptions and guarantee that their communications systems run smoothly by identifying the underlying reasons and putting into practice the particular fixes provided for these SMTP problems.

    Businesses can improve their email communication tactics by using a complete strategy that includes identifying particular SMTP issues, implementing focused fixes, and using cutting-edge tools like those provided by Warmy.io. This not only resolves current issues but also equips them to handle upcoming ones more skillfully, guaranteeing that email will always be a trustworthy tool for business correspondence.

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